Integrate Beetexting with any of the over 6,000 apps that are available with Zapier.
Create your Zapier Account
Create an account with Zapier so you can create and manage your Zaps. You can create a Zapier account here.
Connect your Beetexting Account to your Zapier Account
First, you will need to get your Beetexting Integration authorization information. To do this, go into Beetexting and select "Integrations" from the left menu. Then select the "My BeeConnect" option. Finally, select "View Authorizer Credentials". These are the credentials that you will use when authorizing your Beetexting account within Zapier.
Now, log in to Zapier and search for Beetexting. Select Beetexting from the search bar and land on the Beetexting Zapier page. Select "Connect". You can search for Beetexting when creating a trigger or an action. Select the software you want to integrate with, set up the data exchange, test it, and you're done. Those are the basics of creating a Zap with Beetexting.
What you can do with Zapier and Beetexting
Here are the Beetexting Zap actions and triggers currently available in Zapier:
- Triggers
- New or Updated Contact
- Actions
- Create or Update Contact
- Send Text Message
- Search Contact
Sync contacts between your CRM and Beetexting. Confirm the opt-in of that new customer with a welcome text. Easily manage your customer lists. Zapier allows for a lot of really cool workflows. You can be scrappy or seamlessly automate to your heart's content. Keep an eye out for new triggers and actions in the future! And please don't hesitate to provide your input on what action or trigger you think should be added next.
Download: Business Texting Compliance Field Guide
![1683585648957 1683585648957](
What you'll get:
Understand TCR and how it works
What opt in/opt out automations you need to avoid fines.
Frequently used terms and what they mean
How to stay compliant