Communication Bible Study
Sometime shortly after we started our work on, the idea came to do a Bible study on communication. While we were certain we needed the study as individuals, we were equally as eager to look for direction on creating a communications product.
The Bible study, of course, exceeded all our hopes and desires. It presents God's intention for how we would use the gift of communication and practical wisdom for everyday situations.
Part one of this study is an overview of the Scriptures. This was a way for us to organize the Scripture relating to communication. We structured the Scriptures in relation to five questions;
- What does this teach about God?
- What does this teach about us?
- What are the warnings to heed?
- What are the commands to obey?
- What are the promises to believe?
The first two questions were grouped into a single category: doctrine. Each of the other questions was given its own category: warnings, commands, and promises, for a total of four categories. For each category we listed the Scripture reference and a brief paraphrase. Part one was designed to give a concise overview to help us group and relate the Scripture to itself in an effort to bring it all together.
Part two of this study includes the entire Scripture and our layman commentary. In order to provide a structured reference for one wanting quick access to the Scriptures referenced in part one, part two is grouped according to the categories and subcategories that were established in part one.
While the study is long, one could easily read part one in under 10 minutes. Much of the length of this study is due to the inclusion of the full Scripture in part two along with our lay commentary, which may or may not be beneficial to anyone else in their journey.
This started as an internal team document meant to guide our development of However, we are excited to share this Bible Study on Communication with you!
Thank you and we hope you enjoy the Bible Study!
See you around the hive,
The Beekeeping Team here at Beetexting