Share your company and contact information with others. Through the Beetexting app create your virtual or electronic business card (also known as a vCard) to easily share your contact details with others.
What is a vCard
A virtual business card is an electronic version of your physical business card. It includes your full name, business name, profile picture, phone number, email address, website URL, and an area for additional details you’d like to provide people.
When you send your virtual business card via text to contacts through the Beetexting app and they click on the attachment it automatically opens a new contact profile on their phone and populates your contact information.
If they open your virtual business card while on their desktop computer then the virtual business card will automatically populate the information into their email account contacts.
Note: Stay compliant by making sure to only text your virtual business card to contacts with the appropriate consent level. Learn more about business texting compliance by downloading our Business Texting Compliance Field Guide.
How to Setup Your vCard
Creating your virtual business card in the Beetexting app is simple, to begin open the Beetexting app on your desktop computer:
- Go to “Settings” in the left column
- From Settings click on “Numbers” in the top row
- Locate the number you want to create a vCard for and select “Manage”
- Click on “VCARD”
- Add your information and profile picture
- Toggle to “Enable vCard” located in the top right corner
- Lastly, click “SAVE”
Now that you’ve created your vCard you can begin sharing it with contacts. To share your vCard click on the business card icon below your text box when communicating with contacts. This will automatically attach your vCard to the message.
NOTE: make sure to communicate you’re sending your virtual business card to them so they know you intentionally sent them an attachment and it’s safe to open.
Guide to a Professional vCard
Your virtual business card is just as important as your physical business card. Make sure to complete every field thoughtfully to represent your company and yourself well.
To start, add a picture of yourself to the profile picture. Choose a professional and welcoming picture of yourself (don’t use a picture from Disney World with your spouse cropped out). If you don’t have a good option, then take a selfie of yourself with a blank wall behind you. This is a tiny picture; you don’t have any room for complicated backgrounds or more than one person in the frame.
Next complete your contact information, here are some details:
- Name Prefix: This field is for anyone whose profession or education requires “Dr.” before their name.
- First name and last name: Complete these fields with your name as you’d like people to remember you. Remember to use appropriate grammar.
- Name Suffix: This field is for adding either Jr. or Sr. after your last name or for adding any credentials you may have such as RN, MD, CPA, etc.
- Email, company name, phone number, website URL: Enter this information accurately and fully. Double-check for any spelling errors.
- Department Description: This field is your chance to add any other information you feel is important for people to remember about you. This is optional, but if you choose to add additional information keep it short, simple, and clear.
New to Beetexting?
Your business deserves a communication platform that helps you deepen relationships with your customers. To watch a demo of Beetexting in action, text DEMO to (309) 605-0390.
Download: Business Texting Compliance Field Guide

What you'll get:
Understand TCR and how it works
What opt in/opt out automations you need to avoid fines.
Frequently used terms and what they mean
How to stay compliant