Reviews are a great way to generate new business or seal the deal with prospects. The tough part is gathering those reviews, the good reviews that is.
Sometimes it just takes a simple reminder after the fact that leads your customers to reflect on the product or service you provided. It used to be as simple as sending an email, but nowadays there is way too much noise within all of our inboxes to grab the customer's attention in hopes that they leave a review.
Request a Review Feature
Using the Request a Review feature within Beetexting, you can send out your review requests via SMS to your customers, which leads to a fully mobile review experience. It keeps things simple on so many levels: add as many links to review sites as you like and forget about them, send a simple SMS that avoids the clutter of email, and get reviews in just a few simple clicks and keystrokes from your customers.
How it Works
Below is a quick rundown of the Request a Review feature:
Setting up your review sites:
- From the main screen, select Tools then Reviews
- Select Add Review Site
- Under Select Site, select the review site you are adding, or select Other and type in a name for your site
- Copy and paste the URL into the Link area and select Create
Edit your Review Request message template:
- From the main screen, select Tools then Reviews
- Select Edit Review Template
- This is the message that will be sent with the link that contains your review site options. Make it your own!
Sending a Review Request
- From the main screen, select the contact that you would like to send a Review Request to. You can search the contact using the search bar at the top, select a recent conversation or find the individual's name in your contact list.
- Select the Request Review underneath the messaging area
- Your message template will appear in the messaging area with the link to all of your review sites at the end. Just clickΒ Send!