Assign a RingCentral Phone Number within RingCentral

3 min read

In order for a phone number to be available for activation within Beetexting, the “owner” of that phone number (or the user that it is assigned to within RingCentral). Depending on who you want to utilize within Beetexting, you may need to change up your RingCentral number assignments accordingly. Please note, changing number assignments within RingCentral can effect your phone system setup, and does not only impact Beetexting. Review any changes with your account administrator before completing them. 

We’ll show you how you can re-assign the owner of the phone number within RingCentral. If you would like to remove a user from Beetexting but want to maintain the phone number in Beetexting that they’re assigned to, this is how to do it.


  1. To begin, log into your RingCentral Admin Portal. If you do not have access, request help from a RingCentral admin.
  2. Activating, managing and maintaining a RingCentral phone number within Beetexting requires a Beetexting user to be assigned to that number within RingCentral. 
  3. RingCentral offers multiple “types” of numbers. The details for who is assigned to that number, based on the number type are below:
    1. Company Numbers – The SMS Recipient within Auto-Receptionist is the owner of a Company Number
    2. Direct Line – The assignee of that phone number is the owner of a Direct Line
    3. NOTE: Users that are not directly assigned to the number in RingCentral can be still be given access to that number within Beetexting, but they will not have admin level permissions over that particular phone number
  4. To change the owner of a Company Number, start by selecting Phone System within your RingCentral Admin Portal.
    1. Select Auto-Receptionist, then General Settings from the left hand menu.
    2. If you have multiple sites, select the site associated with the number that you would like to change number ownership for. If you only have one site within your account, skip this step.
    3. Select the Call Handling dropdown, then select Settings within Call Handling
    4. Scroll down to the section titled “Call / Fax / SMS Recipients”
    5. There will be an option for “Fax / SMS Recipient”, select Select Extension.
    6. Select the user that you would like to assign the Company Number to. This user must be active within Beetexting to make it available as a shared inbox.
    7. Select Done within the user list. Then select Save, below the “Fax / SMS Recipient” option.
    8. Have the newly assigned user log into Beetexting and go to Settings, then Numbers.
    9. The user will select Activate Number. They will see the newly assigned number available to be activated.
      1. If the number is not present, have the user log our of Beetexting and log back in.
  5. To change the owner of a Direct Number, start by selecting Users within your RingCentral Admin Portal.
    1. Select User List and Users with Extensions from the left hand menu.
    2. Search or find the new user that you like to be assigned to the direct number. Select the user’s name.
    3. User information will appear, with a dropdown available for “Device & Numbers”. Select this dropdown.
    4. “Primary Number” will be available in this section with the option to Edit.
    5. Select Edit and assign the appropriate number to that user.
      1. If the number you are looking to re-assign is not present, it may still be assigned to another user. Remove the number from that user before re-assigning it.
    6. After selecting the new number assigned to that user, select Apply.
    7. The user will select Activate Number. They will see the newly assigned number available to be activated.
      1. If the number is not present, have the user log our of Beetexting and log back in.