Administrative Support
Provide office managers and other administrative staff tools to communicate effectively with customers and stay organized.
For short-term customer care tags are useful for identifying who you are speaking with, what services they have with you, who their service tech/doctor/etc. is and more.
Tags are the organization system behind your contacts helping you separate your contacts into their appropriate buckets and then easily identify them.
Before you begin adding tags consider determining beforehand how you want your contacts organized. Tags are the most powerful when implemented with a plan. Here are some good tag ideas:
- Product/service
- Region
- Campaign attribution
- Industry vertical
- Marketing/deal stage
- Job role
How to Create a Tag
- Open the Beetexting app on your desktop computer.
- Select a current conversation from your list of conversations.
- To the right of the conversation is their contact profile.
- From the contact profile, there is a spot for adding tags. Add a tag or two here to see how it works.
- Note: You want contacts to fit into similar tag names so keep these simple and not too detailed. If you want to add details then add those details as separate tags. For instance, let's take the following details about a client... they are a client, they are in Nashville, they have both service x and service y from you. You could add the following 4 separate tags: "Client" "Service Y" "Service X" and "Nashville".
Managing Tags
- Start by selecting ‘Tools’
- Select ‘Tags’
- Edit tags – there are two ways to edit your tags. You can look through the list and click on the tag you want to edit, or you can use the search bar to narrow down your choices and then click on the tag you want to edit.
- Select the tag you want to edit
- The next screen gives several options for managing the selected tag
- Update tag name: if you want to alter the name of your tag, you can change/edit the tag name here.
- Add/remove tag from contacts: all your contacts will show at the bottom of this page. The ones with a yellow circle by their name are the ones who have the chosen tag already on their profile. To remove the tag from their profile, simply click the yellow circle turning it back to white. Use the same method to add the tag to more contact profiles – once you’ve found the contact you’d like, simply click the circle changing it to yellow.
- Once you’re happy with the changes you’ve made, select “save”.
- Delete tags - if there is a tag you no longer want anymore, you can delete the tag.
- From ‘Tags’ select the tag you wish to delete.
- On the next screen, you’ll see a red “DELETE” button. Click this button to delete the tag from all profiles and from your list of tags.
- Create new tags from the tags page.
- Edit tags – there are two ways to edit your tags. You can look through the list and click on the tag you want to edit, or you can use the search bar to narrow down your choices and then click on the tag you want to edit.
- From ‘Tags’ select ‘Create Tag’
- In the text box add the new tag name you wish to create
- Select from your contacts listed below on this page at least one contact to add the new tag.
- Once you’re happy with the tag name and have chosen your contacts, select ‘Save’
- Note: You can also create new tags directly from contact profiles. From the dashboard select or search for the contact, you’d like to add a new tag to. Simply go to the tags section of their profile and add a new tag and select ‘ADD’.
This feature allows you to keep notes for contacts on their profiles. Useful for remembering details, account status, birthdays, anniversaries, or whatever is important to you and your customers.
How to Add Notes
- Open a conversation in the Beetexting app and look to the right of the conversation thread, you will see the contact profile.
- Below tags is a section called notes.
- Use this text box to write a note regarding your customer.
- Select ‘ADD’.
Managing Notes
- Click on the specific note you’d like to manage.
- You have options to edit your note and resave it or delete your note.
Schedule Messages
Write messages to your customers ahead of time and schedule them to send for a later date.
Tip: one way to use scheduled messages is reminder texts for appointments, events, etc.
How to Schedule a Message
- Schedule from your conversation.
- Under the conversation text box is a series of icons. The schedule messages feature is the fifth icon from the left (the little clock).
- Select the clock icon.
- A popup screen will appear. Choose the date and time you’d like your message to send.
- Select ‘set’.
- Write your message in the text box.
- Select ‘schedule’.
- Schedule from tools.
- Open the Beetexting app on your desktop computer.
- Select ‘Tools’ located in the left-hand column.
- Select ‘Scheduled Texts’ from the top row.
- Select ‘Create Scheduled Text’
- Choose the department you’re creating the schedule text for.
- Under “Text Sent To” Either enter the name of your contact or their phone number.
- Tip: You can add multiple contacts for your scheduled message, but the contacts will be together in a group text, not an individual one-to-one conversation. For messaging multiple contacts at once to be delivered individually, use broadcast messaging.
- Choose the date and time you want your message to send.
- If you want to send a recurring message, select ‘make this text recurring’.
- Choose either ‘schedule text’ or ‘save draft’.
Managed Scheduled Messages
- Open the Beetexting app on your desktop computer.
- Select ‘Tools’ located in the left-hand column.
- Select ‘Scheduled Texts’ from the top row.
- From this screen, you can manage your upcoming scheduled messages and your draft messages by selecting the ‘Manage’ button to the right of messages. From the manage section you can:
- Delete the message.
- Change the recipient.
- Edit the message.
- Edit the date/time the message will send
- Change your message from scheduled to a draft message by selecting ‘Save draft’.
Create Template Messages
Templates are great for creating consistent responses to frequently asked questions. When someone asks a popular question, the user can simply find the template response to send – saving them time and energy manually typing the answer to FAQ multiple times per day.
Ideas for using templates for customer care include FAQ’s, hours of operation, standard language for reminder texts regarding appointment information, reminders for appointments, and more.
How to Create Templates
- Select ‘Tools’ from the left column
- Select ‘Templates’ from the top row
- Select ‘Create Template’
- Title your template (or internal reference only)
- Next, write your message. Messages have several features making them engaging to your recipients.
- Personalization: If you look above the text box to the right there are options to personalize your messages with the contact’s first name and/or businesses name.
- Below the text box is a series of different items you can add to your messages:
- File attachments: Add a file attachment to your message.
- Emojis and GIFs: Add emojis/GIFs to your message to show personality and more.
- Choose ‘Personal’ or ‘Shared’
- Personal: This is a template message that only you can see and use.
- Shared: This is a template message that other users can also see and use.
Request Reviews
Reviews are a tremendous help in growing your business. They are also difficult to collect! Send review requests to customers easily with the request review feature.
How to Setup Your Review Site
You’re going to create an easy-to-use template you can quickly send customers with the click of your mouse. But first, you need to set up your review site and template message.
- Go to the Beetexting app on your desktop computer
- Select ‘Tools’ from the left-hand column
- Select ‘Reviews’ from the top row
- Select ‘Add Review Site’
- You need at least one review site enabled in order to use the request review feature.
- Choose the review site from the dropdown you’d like.
- Add your review URL to the text box.
- If you need help creating review links, this video/post will walk you through the process!
- Select ‘Create’.
- Repeat steps 4-6 for as many available review sites as you’d like to add.
Setup Your Review Template
- Now that your review site is ready it’s time to add your template message to go with the link in your message.
- On the Reviews page, select ‘Edit Review Template’
- In the text box add the wording you’d like to accompany your review link.
- Tip: Here’s an example of something to say - “Thank you so much for using our services. Will you please take a minute to leave us a review of your experience? We appreciate you.
- Select ‘Save.
Using Your Request Review Feature
- Below your conversation text box is a series of feature icons. Select the third icon from the right (speech bubble with 4 little stars).
- A templated message with a link to your review sites will populate the text box.
- You can modify the message or leave it as-is. When you’re ready, select ‘Send’.
Manage Your Request Review Template
- You can change your template message or add/remove a review site.
- Go to the Beetexting app on your desktop computer
- Select ‘Tools’ from the left-hand column
- Select ‘Reviews’ from the top row
- To edit the message, select ‘Edit Review Template’
- To manage your review sites:
- Use the toggle to turn them on/off
- Select ‘Manage’ next to the review site you need to edit.
Pay by Text
Send invoices to customers over text. Beetexting has an integration with the highly popular and secure payment processor, Stripe.
How to Use Pay by Text
- The first thing you need to do is create an account with Stripe if you don’t have one.
- Once you have an account with Stripe you need to link your account to Beetexting, here’s how:
- Go to the Beetexting app on your desktop computer.
- Select ‘Settings’ in the left-hand column.
- Select ‘My Seller Account’ in the top row.
- Select ‘Add Seller Account’ and follow the instructions on the website.
- Now that your Stripe account is integrated with Beetexting, you can begin sending invoices/payment requests through Beetexting.
- Under your text box in your conversation, select the 4th icon from the right (a dollar bill). This is the icon for pay by text/contactless payment.
- A popup will appear with three fields to complete:
- Invoice # (optional)
- Bill description
- Amount owed
- Select ‘Send’.
- The contact will receive a link to Stripe for secure payment.
- Here’s an example: "Thank you for your order at Demo Co! Your total on invoice# 1234 is $ 10.00. Please use this one-time, secure contactless payment link to complete your order. Thank you!"