Landline Texting for Business

< 1 min read

About Beetexting


Landline texting for business is a great way to give customers the option to text you at the number they've always used to call you. You can text enable all your current phone numbers. You can put your primary line for general inquires on your website and put "call or text" next to your number. You'd be surprised how many people prefer to text in vs. calling.

Everyone who text enables their personal line can include their number in their email signature and business card with the same call or text statement next to it.

Text-enabling your current landline or VOIP business numbers is a great way to keep communications between your team and your customers within the company's system for security and business continuity purposes. Should a teammate leave the company, communications and contacts won't go with them. This way, your company can step right in where they left off, providing excellent customer service.