Engage Your Congregation

Your mission as a church is to love God and love people.

Sometimes, it’s hard to know exactly how to effectively lead and nurture a large number of people. A congregation has many ways to get plugged in, but not everyone knows where to begin, and some feel overlooked.

Texting provides an easy way to communicate with your congregation more productively. In turn, helping more people engage with each other and develop a deeper purpose and relationship with God.


Send Notifications

Keep your congregation up to date on church news and information with mass messaging. Reduce chances that people don't know what’s going on in the church. This encourages better attendance and makes people feel more involved with the church.

Remind people of service times:

“Hi Carrie, this week Pastor John is speaking on Baptism! Service times are 9AM and 10:15AM.”

Announce new sermon series:

“Next Sunday we begin a 4-week teaching series on prayer.”

Broadcast notifications for important information on a short timeline:

“Inclement Weather: Because of the current weather system moving into our area, we are canceling services for today. Stay safe!”

Personalize Communication

There are many ways to communicate with your congregation. A more personalized experience for your members means they are more likely to read and engage with your messages.


Use Personalized First and Last Names

Using fields, personalize your messages.


Let’s say one of your members is named John and he’s on your texting list. You are sending a mass message to your congregation reminding them to attend church Sunday. Your template looks like this:

“Hi [NAME], we can’t wait for you to join us this Sunday!”.

and John will see this: “Hi John, we can’t wait for you to join us this Sunday!”.

number (1)

Use Tags to Send Relevant Information

With tags, you segment your congregation into various lists that are relevant to them.

If John has kids, a wife, loves to golf, and attends a small group for your church, then his profile may have the following tags: “KIDS, GOLF, SMALL GROUP, MARRIED”.

In your Beetexting account, you can search tags and create groups for different interests/ministries. This allows you to send relevant messages to those that are interested in the topic or ministry of your message.

Get People Plugged In

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You want people contributing and owning their part of being the church. Make getting involved easier with tags. Tags have many purposes; in this scenario, we use tags to provide easy opt-in opportunities.

“Text GROUPS to 123-4567 for more information about joining a small group!”

Then once someone replies with the keyword “GROUPS” to the number given the following happens:

  1. They receive an automatic message with information about groups
  2. The tag “GROUPS” is added to their profile
  3. An activity/task is created for the group's minister to reach out personally with the next steps on joining a small group.

Recruit Ministry Volunteers

Provide information to your congregation about various opportunities to serve/volunteer at your church. Volunteering increases the likelihood they feel part of your church family and continue to grow in their relationship with God as well as make your church a better place for people to meet, find community, and know Jesus.


Use tags and keywords to better understand what ministries they are interested in volunteering with. This can begin general and become more targeted as they interact with you:

“Text SERVE to 123-4567 to learn more about our many volunteer opportunities.”

Once they reply with the keyword “SERVE” they receive an automatic reply such as:

“Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us at First Church of God! We need people like you to help make everyone’s church experience positive and uplifting. We have many areas you can volunteer – is there a specific ministry you feel called to? Simply reply with one or more of the following keywords for additional information. KIDS, WELCOME TEAM, GROUPS LEADER, MAINTENANCE, JANITORIAL.

For general volunteer information, please visit: www.yourchurchname.org/volunteer" 

Stay Connected. Anywhere

Beetexting works on desktop, mobile and
tablet; wherever your team needs it.

Beetexting works on desktop, mobile and tablet; wherever your team needs it.

Texting Integrations,
Made Easy.

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